Judges 6:14
Category : Upward Thoughts
Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have… I am sending you!”
I have never felt more overwhelmed and inept than when I realized God was calling us to South Africa. I had always pictured missionaries to Africa as extreme missionaries– the kind that would make Bear Grylls proud. Not me. But when God says “Go!”– you go!
It’s not everyday that I feel God speaks directly to where I am in life. However, this verse was a direct encouragement to me as I was reeling from the latest revelation of His plan for us.
If I could add my paraphrasing to this verse it would read: “Go in the strength that you have [all of it]…for I am sending you [Which means I will make up the difference/lack of].”
I’ve been reading YouVersion’s “New thru 30” reading plan as we head towards Easter and realize that this statement is made by Jesus constantly. When feeding the multitude he asks “What do you have?” (i.e. From where are we starting?). Then, “Go!” (And I will make up the difference.)
The challenge, for me, was to step out regardless of how inept and unprepared I felt, and know that by faith God will make up the difference.